This is about writing from a stream of consciousness with the vision of coming out with something fresh. I am not seeking approval~~these are my stories and they aren't up for debate. That being said, I welcome a chance to discuss them with you.
I have a capacity for reaching deep in the memory bank, while I can think on multiple levels simultaneously; so this is the place for me to spill the stuff that can no longer be contained. Music is my life in the sense that everything that connects to my reality is touched by it. But life is more than just music, hence I follow whatever path opens before me when the writing must happen. Some stories may don the patina of forgotten times, while others may forever be lost to the nuance of the real. The mind of the writer is a humble playground thencefrom a complex world must emerge. I revel in the privilege to be laying these words in this precious present, all the while hoping you will stay to the end of the ride.
Amid the questions asked, one stands out as primary: “How does someone write a fiction novel?”
If I had to attempt writing such a book, I would unlikely be able to come up with the “An improbable Emergence” series. As a matter of fact, the title, in of itself, points in the direction of such an inconceivable emergence. Yes, there was a figment of a story as stated in the introduction of the first volume, but nothing remotely close to ever filling over a thousand pages. Channels must first be open.
The process of creativity is an elusive one—it is basically an event—a relativistic one in which some intellectual barriers must first be sidestepped.
From my standpoint, the mind must free itself from all desire to control the story. Unlike biographies and the bulk of non-fiction which relies on memory and research, fiction belongs to probability, the yet unexplored zone of potential that exists as an interconnected event of all things possible, a unity of forces that have no attachment to any particular fact or reference. Yes, elements of memory may be used, but the main sustaining thread taps deep into the stuff of potentiality.
I have said on occasion that the books wrote themselves; though it may be true at the level of perception, they are still intrinsically connected to the self. Cognitively, I recognize them as mine though they also belong to the whole—inclusive of the reader—as well as all events linked, in whatever fashion, to the story and its developed characters.
When deep into the writing, the author ultimately becomes a traveler within their own tale. Their world is no longer imagined but lived in, with places teeming with activity, no longer at the static end of conception, but at the dynamic point of realization. Strong visual markers emerge to define its boundaries, and a sense of belonging envelops the writer in a way that conveys such potent, emotional connectivity that it becomes difficult to not be absorbed by such a vivid and familiar environment.
So, how does one get there? Again, the mind must free itself from the barriers holding the mechanics of belief captive~~the dogmatic mindset must go! It is a choice that has to be made! Said mind needs to accept that the journey will take it to many unknowns, some more challenging than others, and that resistance is futile in the pursuit of a good story. In that context, awareness of the self will expand proportionally to the desire to explore. So, never hesitate being the traveler of your inner world~~it isn't filled with demons, unless you put them there first! On the contrary, you will realize that you are in charge of that universe, and the more you trust it, the more you will revel in its boundless radiance.
April 19, 2017, revised August 7, 2022